Each members of Go-Parachuting team was military soldier in the French airborne troops.
Managing director, Go-Parachuting
David started his military career in the Officer Infantry School and reached the 1st airborne regiment, as officer. He was in the French Special Forces (Military Free Fall team) before working for the French Airborne Troop School as a military free fall instructor (1st rank). In the same time, he joined the French Army's landing accuracy team. Then, he became the technical manager at the Test Jump Department of the French Army. He conducted most of studies and testing to design the futur French HAHO military parachute system. He was in charge of the military free fall procedures and HAHO HALO jumps. He has over 5500 jumps.
Military certificates:
Commando instructor
Military free fall Commando
Tandem master
Static line instructor
Military free fall instructor(1st rank)
Bundle master
Military test jumper including(HAHO HALO, tandem, bundle, static line)
National Higher Certificate Technician of the French Army (1st rank)
Skydiving certificates:
AFF instructor / Tandem instructor / Coach
UPT VECTOR and SIGMA tandem instructor
DGAC(Direction General of Civil aviation):
Certificate of professional parachutist
FFP(French Parachute Association):
Brevet d'état d'éducateur sportif (National Coaching Certificate in Parachuting)
PAC instructor (AFF equivalent)
Tandem instructor / Static line instructor / Tandem examiner
Wind tunnel coach
Private pilot student / Kick boxing / Mountains activities
2007 Winner of the French national skydiving championship(accuracy landing)
Free fall courses director, Go-Parachuting
Manu started his military career in the Non Commissioned Officer's National French School and reached the 3rd marines regiment as technician. After 2 years in the 2nd marines regiment on the Island Reunion, he joined the 1st marines regiment, then he became a competitor in 8-way formation French skydiving team. He was the captain, chief of the French national skydiving team and won many world championships. He trained many military free faller helping them to take the skydiving military instructor certificate. He has over 11000 jumps.
Military certificates:
National Higher Certificate Technician of the French Army
Skydiving certificates:
Member of the French national skydiving team since 2002
FFP( French Parachute Association):
Relative works instructor
Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif (National Coaching Certificate in Parachuting)
PAC instructor (AFF equivalent)
Wind tunnel instructor
2012 2nd at the world challenge in 4-way formation indoor team (wind tunnel)
2011 European champion in 4-way and 8-way formation skydiving team
2011 Won the world cup in 4 way formation skydiving team
2008-2009-2010-2011 French champion indoor in 4-way formation indoor team (wind tunnel)
2006-2008-2010 World champion in 8-way formation skydiving as Captain of the team
2002-2005-2007-2009 European champion in 8 way formation skydiving as Captain of the team
Paint ball player / Jogging / swimming
Managing director, Go-Parachuting
David started his military career in the Officer Infantry School and reached the 1st airborne regiment, as officer. He was in the French Special Forces (Military Free Fall team) before working for the French Airborne Troop School as a military free fall instructor (1st rank). In the same time, he joined the French Army's landing accuracy team. Then, he became the technical manager at the Test Jump Department of the French Army. He conducted most of studies and testing to design the futur French HAHO military parachute system. He was in charge of the military free fall procedures and HAHO HALO jumps. He has over 5500 jumps.
Military certificates:
Commando instructor
Military free fall Commando
Tandem master
Static line instructor
Military free fall instructor(1st rank)
Bundle master
Military test jumper including(HAHO HALO, tandem, bundle, static line)
National Higher Certificate Technician of the French Army (1st rank)
Skydiving certificates:
AFF instructor / Tandem instructor / Coach
UPT VECTOR and SIGMA tandem instructor
DGAC(Direction General of Civil aviation):
Certificate of professional parachutist
FFP(French Parachute Association):
Brevet d'état d'éducateur sportif (National Coaching Certificate in Parachuting)
PAC instructor (AFF equivalent)
Tandem instructor / Static line instructor / Tandem examiner
Wind tunnel coach
Private pilot student / Kick boxing / Mountains activities
2007 Winner of the French national skydiving championship(accuracy landing)
2006 Winner of the French national championship in American boxing
2005-2006 Winner of the French military skydiving championship(accuracy landing)
Free fall courses director, Go-Parachuting

Military certificates:
National Higher Certificate Technician of the French Army
Skydiving certificates:
Member of the French national skydiving team since 2002
FFP( French Parachute Association):
Relative works instructor
Brevet d'Etat d'Educateur Sportif (National Coaching Certificate in Parachuting)
PAC instructor (AFF equivalent)
Wind tunnel instructor
2012 2nd at the world challenge in 4-way formation indoor team (wind tunnel)
2011 European champion in 4-way and 8-way formation skydiving team
2011 Won the world cup in 4 way formation skydiving team
2008-2009-2010-2011 French champion indoor in 4-way formation indoor team (wind tunnel)
2006-2008-2010 World champion in 8-way formation skydiving as Captain of the team
2002-2005-2007-2009 European champion in 8 way formation skydiving as Captain of the team
Paint ball player / Jogging / swimming
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